
Recent statistics published by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) show that motorcycle accident fatalities declined by 7% nationwide in 2013. However, there has not been a significant decrease in overall motorcycle accident fatalities in the last 15 years. Even though fatalities dropped slightly in 2013, it doesn’t mean that the frequency of motorcycle accidents isn’t still an all-too-common occurrence. The 7% decrease in fatality numbers is actually a misleading statistic when placed in a larger context.

The reason cited by the GHSA for the decline of motorcycle accidents and fatalities in 2013 was the simple fact that were less riders on the road. The first nine months of 2013 were wetter and colder than usual, which discouraged riders from taking their motorcycles out into inclement weather. The lack of motorcycles on the road led to a decreased frequency of fatalities. According to the GHSA, the same weather conditions were attributed to the drop in motorcycle accidents and fatalities in 2011. It’s clear that improved safety standards had nothing to do with the slight decrease in motorcycle fatalities, which points to the real problem. Safety precautions are still not being enforced by officials, or practiced by motorists and riders.

The GHSA stresses that the only way to truly decrease motorcycle fatalities in the long run is to increase safety measures. Representatives of the GHSA are lobbying for stricter motorcycle helmet laws for each state, which will help to significantly decrease motorcycle accidents and fatalities. Experts on the GHSA commission are adamant that helmets are the most effective solution to protecting the lives of riders. They also cite the following safety measures that need to be enforced and improved: decrease in driving while intoxicated, adherence to posted speed limits, increased motorcycle training for riders, enforcement of valid motorcycle licenses, and better cooperation from other drivers to “share the road.”

For more information regarding Kansas motorcycle accidents and what to do if you’ve been injured, please contact the professional Kansas attorneys at Brave Law Firm serving Wichita & Salina!

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Building 100
Wichita, KS 67226

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611 E. Iron St.
Salina, KS 67401

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Wichita Office

3500 N. Rock Road
Building 100
Wichita, KS 67226

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611 E. Iron St.
Salina, KS 67401

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Tel: (316) 636-9500
Fax: (316) 636-9550